

Understand Your Body. And Your Weight Loss.


You are unique. And so are the ways in which you gain weight, lose weight, and handle stress and temptations. That’s why Dr. Christy and Dina Palmer PA, dedicate so much time to understanding your body and your life, then helping you do the same.

Your First Visit

This is all about getting to know you, and visa versa. Plan on spending around two to two and a half hours with us. Trust us, it will be time well spent. Your first visit includes:


  • The Body Bar MD Lifestyle Medicine plan
  • Physical and medical history
  • Vital signs
  • Body Composition Analysis
  • Photos
  • Labs*

Why we do what we do.


Labs are a critical part of starting this diet. It’s our way of understanding what’s going on inside your body, making sure your organs are healthy and your essential vitamin and insulin levels are correct. It also helps us determine whether you are a viable candidate for weight loss medications. If you have had recent lab work from another provider, bringing those to your appointment can help our providers understand your body more! 


Body Composition Analysis

Using an Inbody machine, we are able to perform a complete body composition analysis that tells us your basal metabolic rate, percent of body fat, hydration status, muscle mass and a lot of other details. It’s more valuable and important than a mere number on a scale.

Learn More


We like to keep pictures of our patients' weight loss in their charts!  Trust us, you’re going to revel in your before and after!